The new item up for bids is a brand new I-fish that was sitting around my house. This would be great for kids or those that are young at heart if they have an Ipod. 50% of the proceeds from this one will also go to Second Harvest. Check it out, here.
Moving along...
The Boston Vegetarian Food Festival is tomorrow. I'll be volunteering there in the morning and then wandering around. Quite a few bloggers that I know will be there as well. We've got a plan to meet for dinner at Grasshopper, so drop me a line if you want to hang with us.
How about some food posts?
This is a tester recipe for Hawaiian Bread from the next Don't Eat of the Sidewalk zine.

Another tester from the Don't Eat of the Sidewalk zine. Chipotle seitan on sun dried tomato bread. The side is roasted butternut squash from my very last CSA share.
I'm sad to miss the VegFest... WaterCourse Foods in Denver is super good, though.
Good luck w/ the iFish auction.
Oooh, I can't wait for the next DEOTS zine! And of course, I can't wait to see you and everyone at the veg fest tomorrow!
the food looks great! good luck with the auction!
that hawaiian bread makes me very happy! delicious.
I love all the great things you're doing - how inspiring! :)
okay, too many fabulous dishes/goodies in this post! yum! oh and be sure to blog about VegFest!! Too bad I'm not in Boston anymore - I didn't want to miss it :0(
Wow - I love the idea of baking the mushroom curry into a sourdough crust. It looks positively tasty and I will have to give it a try!
WOW. iFishy not very popular... You can auction Max next time (black cat, loud in middle of night...knocks things off the wall. Hmm...not a good selling point). Maybe Tommy would bring in good money...Loud, bald bird. Screams like raptor...bites sometimes.
Well, people don't know what luck they'd have with the nice, quiet, docile iFish.
how much did ifishy make?
Chipotle seitan sounds delicious!
Hope you had fun at the Veggie Fest in Boston...can't wait to hear about it!
Hi there. I am really liking all of these amazing blogs out here. Passing through and will be back now and then for one of your tried and true recipes. Thanks.
Vegan Meet
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