First thing I did was mix up the tart crust and put that in the fridge. While it was chilling, I made up some nachos. They didn't photograph well, but let me tell you that they were amazingly tasty. The cheese is Not Cho Cheeze from Little Lad's. The first ingredients are potatoes and carrots and then lemon juice and spices. I really need to experiment in duplicating it. I've never seen a "cheese" recipe like it, but I love the stuff. The rest of the toppings are chipotle salsa and mashed black beans.
After the nachos I went in search of cookie cutters for the tart topping and

PS - I'm lazy and like to skip steps if possible. If you decide to make this recipe here's a time saving tip for you. After you take the crust out of the oven, put the chocolate chips on top. The heat will melt them and you can just spread it on the bottom. That is one less pan as you don't need to melt the chocolate.
This week has been busy as usual at work. Since I am not traveling until next week, I've been trying to get much done at home. I bought my house just over a year ago and up until now, the only furniture I purchased was a really nice dining set and a huge bean bag chair. Now, I actually have a sofa and I am looking at getting some other new stuff as I get more organized.
I've got one more (well maybe two) Tommy stories for you from my last trip. I'll write up the best one that I had been hanging onto. When I left Maine last Monday, I packed up and stopped at one of my friend's for dinner on the way home. C has a big German Shepherd and two cats. We weren't sure what Tommy was going to think of that. I walked in with Tommy in her carrier and the dog came running over to check out what was going on. Tommy let out this blood curdling raptor scream. It was so loud, I am sure the neighbors heard it. She scared the poor pooch (and the cats). They all ran away to another room.
Later, I brought Tommy over to Chouli the cat to see what they thought of each other. Choules was not interested at all which is funny because she likes to terrorize the poor birds in the backyard. I sat down on the couch to watch tv and Ernie the kitten climbed up on my lap. Tommy was not afraid of Ernie and she kept making kissing noises. Ernie stood up nose to beak with Tommy while she continued to make kissy sounds. Then Ernie starting patting Tommy. He was pawing gently at her back. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen! They snuggled right up next to each other and hung with me the rest of the time until I left.
What a cute idea for the tart! Don't ya just love those BBB $5 off coupons?
Tommy sounds so fun and playful. How sweet that the bird and cat played together. Did you get any pics of Tommy and Chouli?
Awww! What a wonderful story. How adorable is that? Have you ever posted pictures of Tommy? I'd love to see what she looks like.
Really like your tart!! What a cool idea. I can't wait to see who wins. Good luck!
Vegan Nachos - definitely yummy! Love the vegan tart and how you cut the letters out :) Great job!!
Enjoyed the Tommy stories. That is just too cute that she was making kissing noises.
Love the tart and the statement it makes.. no mistaking that one. Don't you wish great vegan foods were that noticable in our everyday lives.
Love the tart and the statement it makes.. no mistaking that one. Don't you wish great vegan foods were that noticable in our everyday lives.
Love the tart! :)
That tart is adorable! And I agree, cat photos, please!
That tart looks extra yummy.
Cute critter story. Awww.
Hello! Are you going to the vegan meetup tomorrow? I want to go but am not sure if I should cause all of my stuff just arrived from Hong Kong and I have a lot of work to do...I have been wanting to try the restaurant, though!
Wow that tart is incredible! You should win, definately! Tommy sounds adorable - I love when animals who shouldn't get on with each other do!
My cat and rat touch noses through the bars of spirit's house! (she's the rat... I don't keep my cat in a cage!!! Not that spirit is locked up that much of the time either.)
GREAT TART!!! It's so cute!!
And the beautiful, beautiful Tommy's always doing something memorable - this is no exception!! *kiss kiss*
Hope things are going well for you... i know you've been so busy with travel.
BTW, besides me lathering up and lovin' it, Peter's been enjoying your soap as well - just so you should know. Well done on the "summer's end" - which is sadly true at the moment. But about the soap, i LOVE it a ton. When it's "done," i'll be ordering some from you for sure.
I love the time saver of melting the chocolate on the hot crust! This tart looks very yummy.
How awesome that the kitten and Tommy shared kisses and snuggles! So out of the norm... :)
vv - I love all the BBB and LNT coupons. Do you know that they except competitors coupons so you can use them at either store? Tommy is great though sometimes when she scream...she can get on my nerves. No pics of Tommy and Ernie this time around, but next time we are both in Maine I will try to snap some.
carrie - I had not posted pics of Tommy in the past, but I did because of yours and a few others comments. Thx. There are many nice tarts in the competition!
vegandiva - Thank you too. I love nachos...that cheese from Little Lad's is pretty amazing.
dori - It would be cool if things were more visible to everyone. Though maybe only cool to us. Have you ever found that when you tell someone that something is vegan they make a face and assume it is bad? That happened a few weeks ago with some cookies I made. They didn't even want to try them.
Megan/Johanna/UV - Thx.
Jess - Tommy picture posted! Thanks for posting my soap on your blog.
freedon - I love that too. How cool is it that your cat and rat have a bond?
kleo - Thx, I hope your schedule is not to hectic either. Glad you two are both liking the soap. It is a little girly for Peter though!
Maybe next time, I'll send a carrot cake one with bay for him.
Karen - Thx for checking in and for the nice comments.
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