Tonight I had dinner with my family. They picked Pizzeria Uno. (Did I mention I hate chains?) Their vegetable soup is vegan, so I had a bowl of soup. After dinner, I skipped over to Whole Foods and purchased the two ingredients I needed in order to test Catherine's Chocolate Chip Pecan Cookie recipe.
These cookies were easy to mix up and I can honestly say that it is the

Thanks Catherine for letting me test these! I'll share a few with people at work tomorrow. I'm Off to get some exercise in before I make the "blog rounds" and go to sleep.
Yum....those cookies look divine.
If I could eat chocolate chip pecan cookies all the time I think I could be a vegan.
Those cookies look so good.
when oh when will I get to buy Catherine's book!
Umm, thanks I think I have one, just one though. :)
Looks good!
Those look really good. My weakness: anything dessert (and vegan of course).
those look great!
oh, i do think that if I had some of these in my house, I wouldn't have just eaten half a bag of mediocre trail mix...I need to do some baking. You dont' by any chance know of a vegan banana bread recipe?
Yum yum, looks great! Pity about having to have soup at the restaurant - at least they had something vegan though.
Thanks for the review on my page. When I went vegetarian, I read so much on nutrition and weight loss. Even more since I went vegan. I think I am just too hard on myself. Thanks for the advice and congradulations on going vegan!
I love catherines stuff. thanks for sharing the pic
ps Don't forget to stop by my blog while I'm on vacation. Richard's still posting for me ;)
Wow, the best cookies? Lucky you!! Those must be sooooo good!
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