My confetti fries were seasoned with the all-purpose spice from TGoV which has cumin, paprika, chili powder, cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder, and oregano.
At Whole Foods today, they had some local grown organic red chard. I sauteed it with garlic and pine nuts. The apples were sauteed with some agave nectar and sprinkled with cinnamon.
Today at WF, I also found a new vegan snack that I love. They had samples out

Finally, while I was traveling for work last week I decided to try something different at WF in NY. They had a banana carob bar made by a company called Goldie's. I love it! I've been eating it one square at a time and only about half a bar remains. I
searched the Internet trying to find a lin

LOL. I looked it up after your post and they are fraternal, not identical. Who knew? I guess the computer at heritage did, but I did not.
Great finds! I can't believe the Pirate's Booty folks finally made something for vegans! YAY! Thanks for sharing, BIG TIME! I'm gonna shop and look for these guys soon.
kleopatra ---I'm pretty sure the veggie booty is vegan too.
I love Tings! I just discovered them in the grocery store the other day, and they are quite delicious!
I'll have to keep my eyes open for that carob bar too!
Oh, I wish there was a trader joe's in Toronto!
I've heard that veggie bootie if vegan too.
http://www.healthy-eating.com sells the banana flavor of Goldie's carob bars for $3.29 each. Seems expensive. How much did you pay for yours in the store?
Thx Erin...$2.99 at whole foods. Those bars are expensive.
Wow, I just bought some of those Tings, since they were on sale at the grocery store (amazing that they even had them, but whatever) and they are so good! I'm new to nutritional yeast, only started using it a few months ago, but i'm hopelessly addicted. Thank for talking about Tings!
The company is Complete nutrition.....you will find them here...http://goldiescarobbars-ny.com/
Yes they are delicious I have the plain and orange. I haven't seen banana. Sounds yummy.
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